Hannah David, Prospective MP for the Harrow West constituency, today met James Wharton MP at the Houses of Parliament and congratulated him on his EU Referendum Bill which was debated in the House of Commons last Friday.
The Bill would allow the public to have their say in a referendum on whether Britain should remain in the European Union and proposes a vote by 2017. MPs backed Mr Wharton's private member's bill at second reading - the first time it has been debated - by 304 votes to 0.
After meeting Mr Wharton, Conservative candidate Hannah said:
“I fully back the EU Referendum Bill and look forward to the British people having their say on whether Britain should remain part of the EU. I know that residents in Harrow West do want their voices and opinions to be heard on this incredibly important issue."
“What disappoints me is that the Labour MP in Harrow West did not vote. I have taken the time to check the transcript of the debate and he did not make a single contribution. That is a sad indictment on him and his Party’s attitude about our EU membership."
“I fully respect differing opinions on whether we remain a part of the EU or not, that is the nature of politics, but not backing a referendum on this constitutional issue is tantamount to gagging his constituents."
“For the record, I wholeheartedly back this Bill and want to see that referendum take place and I am delighted that the Conservative Party has made this commitment. I wonder when Gareth Thomas will feel able to trust his constituents with his own opinion.”