Matthew Hancock MP, Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise, gave the keynote address at a meeting of Harrow Business Club on Thursday night. The event was held in Regents College, Rayners Lane, and was a great success.
The Minister’s speech focused on the challenges and opportunities faced by small and medium sized enterprises. He also spoke about the need to better connect the world of education with the world of business – ensuring that young people have access to the best jobs.
The speech was followed by a lively questions and answers session, and members were impressed by Mr Hancock’s intelligent and insightful responses.
The next Business Club meeting will take place at Regents College on 29th of May, and will feature Lord Dolar Popat as the keynote speaker.
Lord Popat serves on the Lords Committee for Small and Medium Size Enterprise, and has long been a leader within the Business Community. He is an excellent speaker, and an expert on Business. Please book your place at the event now at [email protected] to avoid disappointment.
Membership of Harrow Business Club costs £200 per annum. However, the first event you attend is free, with no obligation to join. For details please see