Hannah David, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Harrow West, today brought together the Conservative Group on Harrow Council and National Politicians to campaign against Harrow Council’s proposed Garden Tax.
The Tax, which would see hard-working families pay £75 a year to have their Brown Bins emptied, has caused outrage amongst Harrow’s residents. Hannah David was joined by Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, Priti Patel MP, and the Harrow Council Conservative Group as she encouraged local residents to sign a petition against the Tax.
Mrs David said, “I am joining forces with national and local politicians to campaign against this unfair and impractical tax. These proposals from Harrow’s Labour Council would affect almost every family in Harrow. A charge on our Brown Bins is Council Tax by stealth. It is also a measure that will punish people for doing the right thing by recycling their garden waste.”
“I have spoken to so many residents on the doorsteps and people are really annoyed by this. We simply cannot let this go through”
Residents who object to this tax can sign the petition at: https://www.change.org/p/harrow-council-drop-plans-for-75-brown-bin-charge-2. If the petition reaches 2000 signatures by 5pm on Monday 16th of February the Council will be forced to debate the Tax in the Council Chamber. However, residents can sign the petition until the 26th of February to voice their opposition to the Garden Tax.